Inner Harbor’s Two Year Anniversary

This week, Inner Harbor will celebrate two years of supporting and educating college students and those that work with them. We have accomplished so much! There truly is so much to celebrate. Starting a new business at the beginning of a global pandemic was scary. But it turns out, this business would be more needed than ever before. The awareness and openness to receiving has been the inspiration that I have needed to keep going when I have struggled being a new business owner. Inner Harbor has supported colleges from New York to California. I have presented, both in person and virtually, up and down the east coast. I have written, networked, interviewed, programmed, consulted and supported schools, students, parents and agencies. I am incredibly proud of the work that has been done over the past two year.s

And also, each anniversary reminds me of why I do this work. Inner Harbor was created out of the incredible grief I experienced, and watched my own children experience, when their friend died. And with each success, I think about him and carry the opposing feelings of pride in the work, and longing and guilt over his death.

I write this bog post from an airport in South Carolina, as I wait for my (delayed) flight after dropping my youngest son at college. And I am reminded of the parallels of the anniversary of Inner Harbor and the feelings I am currently experiencing leaving my baby over 600 miles away. I am hopeful for him. I am excited for the possibilities. I am grateful for the wonderful life he has created for himself. I am anxious to hear about interesting classes and opportunities. And I am also scared. And I miss him already. And I worry about his safety. Will he take advantage of everything that college has to offer? Will he make sure to stay safe? Will he make good choices?

So many people work so hard for one child to go to college. It is a huge accomplishment for many people when someone graduates high school, gets accepted to college and studies there. I know I am certainly feeling the pride that comes with sending my children to school. It is a celebration. And it is also a loss. And I am feeling them both. How are you doing?


Students Need More Support in College


Transitioning to College after Loss