Sometimes We Need a Change

I've been noticing something lately. I've gotten into a routine. And that's typically a good thing. But I've also noticed that I've become a bit rote. I wake up each morning knowing that I am going to be doing one (or one hundred) of a few things. I know that because I'm doing the same things every day: I'm writing, I'm teaching, I'm presenting, I'm networking. All things that I want to be doing, but it's become a little expected. A little rote. And I was losing some motivation. I think it's partly because I work alone from home. My routine hasn't changes much and I am doing the work a bit robotically. Again, I love the work, but the "wonder" of it all was sort've missing.

So I decided to change it up. I called a friend who is also a colleague and asked if we can work from the local coffee shop together. We both had some short-term goals that aligned so I suggested we put our heads together and work in the local coffee shop. Thankfully, she agreed. So I woke up one day last week with a little "pep in my step" knowing that I was going to do basically the same thing I do every other day, but in a different environment with a different view (and much better coffee!)

Why do I tell you this? It made me think about all of the college students studying for finals. You make a plan, schedule time in the library and set your alarm to get up on time. You pull out the computer and the calculator, the pencils and paper. And you get to work. But it gets old fast. It's already hard to motivate and concentrate when you are grieving and the "routine" that everyone talks about as being so helpful can become stale and uninspiring. So this is your reminder to change it up!

Notice when you are just "not feeling it." Think about what works for you (maybe the time you are waking up and going to sleep are helpful) but also notice what is not (sitting in the library staring at the same four walls is not cutting it).Change up the parts that aren't motivating you. Find a new location, change the temperature in the room, work with different people, or alone. Set your alarm for a study break that includes a shower or exercise or an iced coffee. See how the change in the routine works for you.

For me, it was great. I got a lot of work done, visited with a friend and also enjoyed the latte!


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I’m Fine. Or Not.